Friday, September 19, 2008

Financial meltdown Bullshit

This financial meltdown is really strange. The Government is using a private bank, the federal reserve, that demands interest, to bail out non-productive financial corporate entities. The chief product of these corporations is fictitious paper- more demands for taxpayers to reward non-productive leeches on the economy. These financial corporation have been shuttled to the front of the line for governmental assistance, despite suffering industries in this country like the automobile industry. I think it is all a ploy to hamstring the economy during an Obama administration. If I were Obama, I would do what Ron Paul has suggested repeatedly and outlaw the federal reserve and let the congress print money as the constitution demands and get these leeches off the backs of the people.
The leeches realize that in an Obama administration, they won't be able to run bullshit all the time like they have done since before the establishment of the federal reserve. If you think Nafta was a debacle, in a few years you will know what kind of slave you are unless Obama is able to take drastic measures to reverse all the damage done to the country since 1933. Remember that JFK was assasinated for trying to do the same thing with his Silver Certificate money.

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