Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Veteran's Day


I'm a veteran! I appreciate that Americans express their appreciation of my service by taking a day and dedicating it to veterans. I can't say I ever regretted my time in the military. What I do regret is the unvarnished racism i experienced in the Navy as a Black officer. I served during peacetime in the 80's when America's institutions were at war with Black people, for the most part. Maybe that will be the the subject of some future blog, as apropos.

What I did notice this Veteran's day was that George Bush was not present for the Veteran celebration on Sunday in Washington DC. Instead, VP Cheney was called upon to lay a wreath for dead veterans, as if it was simply some kind of ceremonial chore done in a foreign country and the president was too busy to make it.

To the contrary, President was at his ranch, vacationing and entertaining Angela Merkel of Germany. He gave some type of cursory press conference, dismissing it abruptly, stating that he had to go feed Angela Merkel some "HamBurger" intending the pun as Prime Minister Merkel is from Hamburg, Germany. He is such a devious and stupid man.

Personally i could never eat any food from Bush on his ranch or even in the White House, let alone ingest his "hamburger". For his bloodthirstiness towards living people, I have always imagined Bush secretly lived the life of a cannibal. For some reason he always reminded me of the cannibals from the Texas Chain Saw Massacre Movie. I thought Bush relished the fact that he was responsible for killing so many people with these wars in Iraq and Afganistan. He certainly expressd his bloodthirstiness as Governor of Texas by achieving recognition as the most prolific governor in putting captives (criminals) to death. The one criminal he spared execution as governor of Texas was George Lee Lucas, a confessed serial killer and cannibal. What led me to post this blog was my discovery while or that President Bush had been investigated as a mass murder and cannibal in 17 deaths in Brownsville, Texas in 1984. Ultimately, the 17 murderss were labeled a mass cult suicide in spite of Bush's teeth mark imprints on the bodies of the murdered victims. It seems the Bush's politically connected daddy came to his rescue. All of this confirmed my discernment of Bush's character. This information is totally available on the internet. I wonder if Angela Merkel was aware of it. If so, how could she eat with Bush.

As an aside ther is also considerable information on the internet that Laura Bush murured her ex=boyfriend when she was 17 years old intentionally crashing into him at a high rate of speed while occupying a much larger car. Wow! What a couple made in hell! What kind of country have we become

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