Saturday, November 10, 2007

Wake Up

Guiliani Politics

The "Publicans" are nominating Rudy Guiliani for President. Even more amazingly the MSM supports Guiliani with their on air ravings of this criminal crossdressing thug It is no wonder that Guiliani attained the high offic of Mayor of New York City. NYC has been the seat of Mafia gangs since time immemorial. Guiliani comes from a long line of mafia soldiers. In wikipedia its documented that:

"Rudolph Giuliani was born in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, the only child of working-class parents Harold Angel Giuliani, and Helen C. D'Avanzo, both children of Italian immigrants.[5] The family was Roman Catholic and its extended members included police officers, firefighters, and criminals.[6] Harold Giuliani had trouble holding a job and had been convicted of felony assault and robbery and served time in Sing Sing;[7] after his release he served as a Mafia enforcer for his brother-in-law Leo D'Avanzo, who ran an organized crime operation involved in loan sharking and gambling at a restaurant in Brooklyn.[8]"

The whole expose on Guiliani's origins can be found at and,barrett,16192,1.html. I suggest people read about the gangster the Publicans and the MSM are promoting for president of the United States.

Not only is Guiliani affiliated with the Mafia which is confirmed by his association with indicted business associate Bernard Kerik, but he is apparently a transgender bisexual crossdresser who has actually lived with homosexuals. Guiliani takes "responsibility" for his bad association with Kerik yet there aren't any consequences. I wonder if Guiliani is going to give Kerik a pardon if he becomes President for keeping his mouth shut about what he knows about Guiliani.


911 occurrd while Bush was president, but he gets no blame for it happening on his watch. Seems to me, that flies in the face of true accountability. Even more disturbing is that Bush could not testify under oath to the 911 Commission without being accompanied by Cheney. And people wonder why there is a 911 truth movement.


I wonder why GLT people want to force the public at large to acknowledge the sexuality of the homosexual community. After all, there are only two sexes: male and female. Ordinary people don't need to display their sexuality in public. In fact, most people see it as unseemly to display normal sexuality at all in public, while public sexuality displays by homosexuals is seen aa an attribute. That doesn't make much sense.

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