I don't know how many people stayed up to watch the Iowa Democratic Jefferson/Jackson Day Forum, but it turned out to be one of the most exciting political events in my 53 year memory. The People of Iowa were absolutely fired up! They shouted and screamd throughout the event, from beginning to end. The most significant thing about the event is that The People of Iowa are really fired up for this election.
It really is no surprise that The People across this country are absolutely enthused about this election. After seven years of this Bush administration The People are fed up! The TV and print pundits tell us there are only three branches of government: the Congress; the Courts; and The Executive Presidency. Itt is also what they teach us in schools. It is not true! Actually, there are four branches of government. The fourth branch is the most powerful branch of government. That fourth branch of government is The People. All the powers of the three other branches of government derive from The People. The People are the sovereigns of this country much like the Queen is the Sovereign of the UK. The People need only to realize their true role and power as an actual branch of government. The media, education system and the government has a vested interest in dumbing us down. It is so that they can hold sway over our power. It is no wonder that the government keeps secrets from us, ; it is no wonder that the media keeps us misinformed and distracted with ongoing entertainment fantasy; and it is no wonder that the education systems doesn't teach anything to our children other than how to become slaves of the corporate state. The Constitution guarantees that The People remain the Sovereign Power in the US by its guarantee of our rights, especially to bear weapons and to form local defense militia, not just against foreign powers but against the government5 itself. That is why the government is building up Homeland Security and employing foreigners as security contractors in order to counterbalance the powers of the true owners of this country- The People. Foreigners and naturalized citizens owe their allegience to to government that bring them here and give them priveleges; and not to The American People who don't want them here.
Iowa Democratic Candidates
Obviously, Barack Obama was the headliner for the J&J Day forum in Iowa. He was the Statesman and the agent for change by his eloquent articulations of a new vision for America. One of the things he has emphasized in his campaign is that is going to take the Power of The People to change America. That is a realization that escapes most politicians. I think Obama is the best Democrat in the race but I think Ron Paul will make the best President. That would be a President recptive to The People's concerns more than the concerns of any banks, corporations or government entities.
The runnerup for The Iowa affair was John Edwards. he is quite sincere in what he is saying and blieves in the American people. The only problem for Obama and Edwards is the American People have to start believing in themselves. Hiliary and the rest of the democratic field were dull by comparison. Joe Biden remarkd that Chicago was inthe house because of the outstanding support demonstrated by Obama. At heart, I really thinkJoe Biden is a racist. He reminds me of the charactr played by Tom Cruise in "Lions for Lambs".
Republican Draft Dodgers
No one in the MSM is talking about the fact the Rudy Guilianni is a draft dodger. Rudy is all gung-ho to send other peoples children off to war when he himself is a draft dodger who comes from a line of draft dodgers. I want to see Ann Coulter call Rudy a "faggot" like she id John Edwards. Bush was a draft dodger as well. As they say 'birds of a feather flock together'.
Divide and Conquer
The foremost strategy in all Satanic undertakings ever devisd is "divide and Conquer". Divide and conquer is antithetial to the idea of montheism- - the One God; The One Universe; and The One People. Satanic elements within the culture presses for division of our people. They invent reasons o separate families such as sexual guilt and money. Satanic elements creates reasons to separate people along racial definition such as intelligence quotients, contending, politics, religious beliefs, sexual proclivities, and skin color. They invent schemes that divide nations such as communism vs capitalism, war, impositon an inconsideration to defeat all sids in any conflict.
It is no happenstance that th Shiite Mosques in Iraq was destroyed and blamed on the Sunni when it was the occupiers of Iraq who wre in control. It is no accident that abortion is framed by the media as the right of a woman to choose vs the right of the state to dictate the outcomes of the lives of women. It separates people along gender lines and encourages deviancy from obvious human orientation. It is no secret that the responsibilities of parenting have been enforced by outsie powers that do harm to family orientation.
The Bible says in Genesis 5:2 ...Male and Female created he them; and blessed them , and called their name Adam, in the Day when they were created.
We need to believe the Bible and not the media for our moral foundation. It is the best moral document we hav available and it has proved itself time and time again. Men and their constructs have been repeatedly wrong.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Iowa J&J Day
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